PC: Ryan Peterson

While we understand that salmon have populated the Eklutna watershed since time immemorial, long providing food for the Eklutna Dena’ina people, firsthand accounts of this traditional ecological knowledge have now been written down.  

Over the course of 50 years, Eklutna Tribal Members conducted 18 interviews with Eklutna Elders regarding the abundance of salmon in the river, lake, and upstream tributaries. The interviews have been compiled into the “Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Eklutna River Findings Report.” Elders’ names have been redacted for their privacy. We are grateful that this traditional ecological knowledge has been preserved, as many Elders are no longer with us.  

Before the dams, salmon had access to a vast array of spawning and rearing habitat across the Eklutna watershed. Some salmon stopped within the spawning grounds in the Eklutna River to spawn. Sockeye traveled further to rear in Eklutna Lake. Coho and Chinook salmon swam even farther, through the lake and into the upstream tributaries, to access an additional 15 miles of spawning and rearing habitat.  

Six elders confirmed that Eklutna River used to be “overflowing” with “abundant” fish before the dams. Elder 8 recounted a large beaver dam above Thunderbird Creek where he and others would catch as many fish of all species as they needed and throw them to land using pews, including sockeye and Chinook.  

Elder 11 described using noose snares on long poles to retrieve at least 5 salmon at a time from a pool next to Eklutna River and bringing them to her uncle’s house to smoke. Elder 11 said, “There were so many fish swimming upstream you could see them,” which got agreement from Elder 12, who said, “Yes, there were a lot of fish in the river.” 

Salmon strips hung for smoking. (PC: Coming Home) 

Many stories also confirm that salmon were found in Eklutna Lake. Elders 14 and 15 learned from their elders and teachers that before the lower dam was built, salmon swam up to Eklutna Lake and spawned in the upstream tributaries. Elder 13 recounted stories of her family fishing for salmon at a cabin near the upper end of Eklutna Lake, where they would catch and smoke enough salmon to share with the village.  

Elder 13 specifically used the word Łiq’a – the generic Dena’ina term for all salmon species. The Dena’ina language also has individual names for each salmon species. The use of that word demonstrates the fact several different salmon species were caught in the lake and traveled upstream of the lake to spawn. Many elders confirmed that fishing happened at Eklutna lake. Sheep hunting cabins at the lake were provisioned by salmon caught there.  

Today, kokanee salmon still live in the lake. Kokanee are the landlocked form of sockeye salmon. These fish would be able to grow to the normal size of sockeye salmon if the Eklutna Dam didn’t block their passage to the ocean downstream.  

Despite having conducted cultural studies, the Utilities discounted common knowledge from the Eklutna people that all 5 species of Pacific salmon ran in the river, lake, and upstream tributaries. Their Final Plan explicitly states that it can bring back habitat for 4 species of salmon since they found no sockeye salmon spawning in the river during their surveys.  

  Eklutna Lake in the fall (PC: Michelle Beadle, Trout Unlimited) 

Today, kokanee salmon still live in the lake. Kokanee are the landlocked form of sockeye salmon. These fish would be able to grow to the normal size of sockeye salmon if the Eklutna Dam didn’t block their passage to the ocean downstream.  

Despite having conducted cultural studies, the Utilities discounted common knowledge from the Eklutna people that all 5 species of Pacific salmon ran in the river, lake, and upstream tributaries. Their Final Plan explicitly states that it can bring back habitat for 4 species of salmon since they found no sockeye salmon spawning in the river during their surveys.  

From these elders’ stories, we understand why: sockeye need access to the lake to spawn. A 1992 environmental assessment outlines that the purpose of the Eklutna purchase agreement is to bring back the sockeye salmon run lost when the dams were built. The Utilities’ plan admits outright that it does not meet these goals. Their plan does not provide fish passage to the lake or adequate flows the entire length of the river. We must demand a better plan to right the historic injustice committed against the Eklutna people and their elders.  

One of the very few sockeyes seen in the Eklutna today. Some years, none are counted. (PC: Michelle Beadle, Trout Unlimited)